Player Escorts Required

21 Jan

Papamoa FC has been selected to be part of the Player escorts group for a match in the A-League regular season match. All the details for your group and the match they are involved in are outlined below.

Date and Match Saturday 22nd February – Auckland FC vs Wellington Phoenix

Venue Go Media Stadium, Penrose
Kick-Off 5.00pm
Meeting Time and Location 3.45pm at Gate B
Name of club / group Papamoa AFC – 11 children

Game Details

Selection Criteria
 Eleven (11) children are required
 8 -10 years of age, a mix of girls and boys (preferably 130cms or shorter)


 Kids to wear shirts provided by Anchor (shirts are returned to AFC volunteers)
 Kids to be wearing black shorts and black socks (preferably with minimal apparel company branding)
 Ensure warm clothing is brought along for before and after their role.
 Only trainers are to be worn – no football boots


All player escorts have been filled.