Liquor Licence

With the formal lease being signed on the facility in late December 2024 the club has been able to move forward with consideration of a " CLUB" alcohol licence.

As a club we feel a licenced premise is preferrable to an unlicenced premise as it allows more control to ensure Host Responsibility which is a key driver for us.

On the 14th of February Tauranga City Council has approved our request as lessor of the clubrooms to apply for a club licence. There are a number of restrictions within that but likewise we have a number of requirements to adher to.

A club licence is not to be confused with an "on" licence which allows the sale of alcohol to all. A club licence only allows the sale of alcohol to "members" with reciprocal rights given to opposition teams, guests of members and so on.

Approval of any liquor licence is not a given. A formal process is undertaken which is detailed below which can take around 10 weeks to achieve. 

The club will be implementing a cost recovery model for the clubroom. Historically the club has never had to fund this as it has been supported by our club sponsor The Flying Mullet. These costs will now be attributed to the area of the club utilising at the particular time. It is to be noted that to comply with the regulations and subsequent approval from council the club will require a minimum of 2 volunteers or paid staff to operate so cost recovery will vary based on staffing. As previously advised registration fees do not cover the additonal costs of clubrooms staffing nor purchase of all assets and food etc. All things being considered , and outside of the fixed costs we know about,  we estimate the cost of the licence and costs to convert the clubrooms to be ready for use when we take possession at a number in the vicinty of  $35000. Every item in that building must be purchased by the club.

 At the time of submission for a licence we must also ensure we have the following

  • Food – at least 3 substantial options available at all times and promoted

  • Water must be freely available

  • Non- Alcoholic selection (0% alcohol is considered to be non-alcoholic)

  • Low Alcohol option (minimum of 3 Options ( alcohol with an alcohol content of between 1.15% and 2.5%)

  • Duty Managers – minimum of 3 (Application fee is $316.50 each)

  • Copy of our constitution

  • Floor plan showing the licensed area (where alcohol is consumed at the premises)

  • As there are likely to be children on the premises there is no reason to have a restricted or supervised licensed area (the club will be “undesignated”)

Licence Classes:

Class 1 Club – More than 1000 members 18+, operates in the manner of a tavern

Class 2 Club – 250-1000 members 18+

Class 3 Club – Under 250 members 18+, open less than 40hrs per week


Club Type:                                Risk Weighting              Application Fee:                        Annual Fee:                  Total payable upon application                    

Class 1 Club                             Medium                        $816.50                                     $632.50                        $1449.00

Class 2 Club                             Low                              $609.50                                     $391.00                        $1000.50

Class 3 Club                             Very Low                      $368.00                                     $161.00                        $529.00

At the same time as you apply for your Club Licence you must apply for your 100(f) Certificate from the Building & Planning Teams – contact the Duty Planner to discuss what they need and the cost.

Once you have applied an Inspector will contact you to discuss your application. 


Te Oi Hamiora Rima Kemp (Sam) | Team Leader Alcohol Licensing
Tauranga City Council | 07 577 7000 | 027 3070051| |