Football in general is an expensive sport. The flow of money is up to the national body and not down like in rugby. Everything is driven at club level by clubs.
As a general guide only 30% of revenue received by the club is through membership fees so to break even our club board must recover 70% through other means.
This is achieved through successful funding applications, sponsor and partner donations, 5 a side revenue, Holiday programme revenue, tournament revenue, photo revenue and club store sales. Funding applications are becoming increasingly harder to achieve. There is less money available and there are more submissions accross multiple codes and bodies.
As the club increases in size it requires significantly more bodies to continue to operate.
To put that in perspective, should these things not be achieved the average membership fee per player would be $441.This number will not include the 2025 field and facility charging figures nor the operational costs of the facility not the increase in fees we must pay. Support of the club is vital to keep cost increases lower. As an example Waibop have signalled a 15% YOY(Year on year) increase for senior football over the next 5 years.
Papmoa FC is in Year 2 of its constitution having been reapproevd under the newer and amended 2022 Incorporated Socieities Act. This means current Board members will be limited in their ability to have multriple membership types. It also means Board members involved in other areas of the club will be excluded on decisioning, to effectively limit conflict of Interest. Board members must all consent to being members and confirm they are not disqualified. Board membership under the new act is closer to that of a director. Day to day tasks previously undertaken by board members wll need to be undertaken by other volunteers or further paid staff.
2025 saw a larger reduction than the norm in volunteerism accross the club outside of our club coaches and allocators. This has been a trend over the last 4 years and not just at Papamoa FC, its in general accross the country over a range of sports. Papamoa called for support 3 times in club newsletters and accross 3900 emails to1300 subscribers only received 4 volunteer responses. This substantially increased the work load of a limited few. In the 2024 season we had 885 players and in season 2025 we are forcasting 935 players. We achieve year or year growth of circa 7%, the largest in the country. It is likely we will be the largest club in Waibop in 2027. We need to increase our volunteer support, we need remove negativeness. Please support us and register as a volunteer. To do that please CLICK HERE