Stage 1 Clubrooms have begun-Stage 2 clubrooms begin in November 2024

12 May

The clubrooms have offically begun. The completion date is scheudled to be December 16 2024. These clubrooms will be a shared facility with our friends at Papamoa Cricket operating a shared 6 month lease to coincide with the winter and summer seasons. In addition to the clubroom facility a brand new tar sealed carpark will be installed. The clubrooms will also have public toilets and additional changerooms.

Upon completion of these clubrooms a secondary and similar clubroom/public toilets will begin in the overflow carpark area. This will incude a brand new tar sealed carpark.

The existing toilet and changerooms will be retrofited and converted to changerooms and storage only with the public toilets moving to the stage 2 facility.

All told the investmenet in the park will be circa 11 million dollars.

These developments once complete will enable our club to compete and develop in different ways we have not been able to consider before. Its probably not unfair to say we can hit the accelerator pedal alot harder.