Papamoa FC will be holding its annual AGM on 2 December 2024, 6.30pm at the Papamoa Sport and Recreation Centre.
Last year the government made changes and a new incorporated act was implemented. Papamoa FC has reaccrediated under this new act and was the first club to do so in the country.
Under the new constitution board members must priortise the club, make decisions in the best interests of the club, and invest time equal to that of others on the board.
Board members will be assigned roles equally as decided by the board at the 1st meeting with expectation board members will be able to invest a minimum of 4 hours per week overall to ensure the club can run efficentally
The roles available for nomination/election are
- Chair (must have been on the board at least 1 full year prior)
- Secretary (must have been on the board at least 1 full year prior)
- Treasurer
- 3-7 additional other board members.
A key change at this AGM (as per the updated constitution) is that a board member may not hold more than one of the other membership categories in Rule 7.
Therefore persons considering becoming a board member must provide an undertaking this will not occur. The most common other membership types include Senior player, a volunteer member(Being a coach/manager or team allocator), or Other(being involved at FC Tauranga Moana in the roles noted)
Board members involved in an area that relates to their chosen "other" membership types will be unable to make decisions in that area, thus avoiding conflicts of interest.
All persons interested in joining the board are asked to email the club secretary expressing an interest,
Closing date for nominations is Friday November 29
Emails must include the "consent and certificate of an officer" form. This confirms that a person meets the qualification criteria set out by section 47 of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. you must also detail the role you are applying for with options being Club Chair, Club Secretary, Club Treasurer or Club Board Member.